Health Coaching

Your personalised journey to optimal health
Looking for support on your health journey? It can be done in person but typically it is done remotely online.
Fit 4 Life can help in may ways:
- Interpreting and improving blood test results
- Helping manage and reduce stress
- Improving your energy levels and sleep patterns
- Adding some or more exercise into you busy schedule
- Improving the quality of movement and range of motion
- Feeling less vital and having reduced energy as we age is NOT NORMAL!
Health Quiz
It all starts with a short HEALTH QUIZ to get an idea of your health priorities.
This will give you a snap shot of your current health and habits. Once we receive your spreadsheet, we will be in touch to book in your FREE 15 minute consultation to help you assess your health priorities and what the best next steps are for you.
Take the Health Quiz Now
Take the Health Quiz Now

FREE Consultation
Health Coaching is a complete journey, it’s not something you commit to for a certain number of hours a week, it’s a lifestyle change and something that you encompass in your life. Picking the right coach is also something that you need to feel comfortable with and it’s something that we feel is important. So we would love the opportunity to meet up and have a chat and see if this is something that is right for you.
It enables me to get a better idea of what you want from a health coach and it will enable you to get a free consultation that will start you off on the right track.
Contact me today and let’s get this journey started!