Corporate Health and Wellness

Do you have a healthy & productive team at work?
Smart businesses have realised a healthy team member is a happy, productive team member with bottom line benefits.
So why do so many companies shy away from doing something about it?
At Fit 4 Life we have met with all types of businesses to determine their goals and created a programme that will benefit everyone.
So how does it work?
“Managing the stress of employees can be a tricky balance. Although it is a requirement by law.” This programme does it for you and can assist you in implementing practices that will become part of your culture once the programme is over. The Fit 4 Life corporate health programme looks at both the internal and external health of the people working in your business and gives you the chance to take control of your business’ health and reap the rewards.

Taking steps to a healthier workforce
A great place to start is with a fun and interactive health presentation which talks to your staff. Getting their interest and engagement with relatable topics is paramount to the success of the programme. Some of the topics covered include measuring stress, healthy eating, exercise and breathing. The presentation also offers some really useful tools to take back to the workplace and reduce stress.
The presentation will benefit the entire group and give your company an idea of how Fit 4 life ‘rolls’. It will help you decide what outcomes you want within the company and what sort of programme you require.
And because we look at the complete picture we are able to take a far more holistic approach which enables us to identify what those needs are and then design packages which comprise of a number of different components.
What could a Corporate Wellness Programme look like?
Weekly group sessions
in a park with a skilled and experienced trainer
Weekly email
following up on goals agreed at the outset
Weekly articles
added into private Dropbox for whole team to read
Frequent interaction on WhatsApp
to keep everyone feeling involved and motivated. Also used for sharing info like recipes, workouts completed
Full-size check-in board
Each business receives a full size check-in board which they are encouraged to complete each day to help keep staff motivated
Information on nutrition and day to day healthy eating
What are the benefits?
Expected outcomes could be:
- lowered blood pressure
- healthier eating habits and reduced body fat
- reduced absenteeism
- greater team spirit and a happier team
Programmes can be delivered in person, online or using an app for accountability.
Duration can be anywhere from 12 weeks to 12 months+ depending on needs of the business – it takes time to change behaviours so we suggest no less than 3 months to begin with.
What is the investment?
Your business will benefit financially from this programme as it’s IRD approved. In addition to the GST back on the cost, the business does NOT pay fringe benefit tax (FBT 49%) which it would normally do for most other health programmes and gym memberships. Click here to learn more about SMEAEP.
Over time an investment of $100-$150 per employee could yield a return saving of $300-$450 per person – Ron Goetzel of Cornell University.