Health & Nutrition
Empower yourself with knowledge and guidance. →
Get closer to your goals with one-to-one tuition giving you confidence and support to get you started and begin a healthier way of living taking you to your goals quicker→
Get free health and fitness tips and other handy info. →
Read the blog now to get free health tips and fitness tips and other handy info.→
Corporate Speaking
Sharing knowledge, expertise and practical skills. →
Empower your team with some core knowledge, expertise and practical skills that they can do at work for a healthier lifestyle.→
Health Coaching
Looking for support on your health journey? →
Health Coaching is a partnership journey, it’s about building new habits overtime, habits which then become a lifestyle. Health coaching is a supportive, non-judgemental process run at the clients pace, on their terms and to their agenda→
New Zealand’s Award Winning Fitness and Lifestyle Business
Find optimal health through a holistic approach across all facets of health, assisting particularly people in mid-life who want to stay strong and well into their more senior years.

Gut Health Programme
Freedom of Movement
Body Fat Levels
Balanced Body & Mind
Cellular Health
Structural Assessment
Gut Health Programme
Gain an understanding of how to best treat your gastrointestinal (GI) tract for optimal health.
Freedom of Movement
Don’t struggle with an injury. Gain movement and confidence with Fit 4 Life.
Health Quiz
This will give you a snap shot of your current health and habits.

Gut Health Programme
Freedom of Movement
Health Quiz
Balanced Body & Mind
Adrenal Health
Balanced Body & Mind
Having the right mindset is key when it comes to your health.
Epigenetics helps identify your unique bio type creating a personalised health plan.
Adrenal Health
Take our short quiz to see whether there are opportunities to improve your adrenal health
Personalised Health Programmes and Training
Fix 'n' Fit
Recover from an operation or reoccurring niggles.Fix 'n' Fit
Recover from an operation or reoccurring niggles.Running Packages
Running is a skill and simple changes to your technique can make all the differenceRunning Packages
Running is a skill and simple changes to your technique can make all the differenceHealth Coaching
Looking for support on your health journey?Health Coaching
Looking for support on your health journey?Local TRX Classes
Enjoy changing workouts using a TRX.Local TRX Classes
Enjoy changing workouts using a TRX.award winning, north shore, Auckland based business

Get moving again after an injury or operation.
At Fit 4 Life we believe that wishes can come true with the right help and determination and we love nothing better than to ‘fix’ people and their bodies. Whether it’s a current injury, recovering from an operation or a new niggle that has recently arisen, we like to analyse and help.
Health is more than exercise.
Healthy living knowledge at your fingertips
Trouble Sleeping? Try Meditating.
In search of better sleep? Consider meditation. Through decades of scientific study, researchers have found this ancient practice improves sleep.
Crispy Skinned Salmon with Apple Slaw
So as summer is around the corner my mind turned to food!!!
The barbie needs a clean up and a new gas bottle must be found!
Leading a remote team
Over lockdown businesses, I had worked with before and new ones came to me to help them connect with their team while working remotely. It was a pleasure to be able to facilitate the connection…
Balance - how's yours?
I’m reading a book about neuroplasticity and I was blown away by the first case study. A lady who had been taking a drug which had a side effect of attacking the vestibular system…
Midnight Snack? Not So Fast
Your eating habits impact how you sleep more than you may realise. Late-night meals and snacks can affect the time it takes for you to fall asleep, your sleep efficiency, and…
How Quality Sleep Boosts Your Immune System
Most people have experienced the effects of a good night’s sleep on your body’s ability to fight a sickness. When it comes to your health, sleep is your armour.